
作者介紹:雪兒維亞.哈曼爾斯特(Sylvia Hammarstrom)女士今年已七十多高壽,她是瑞典人,1950年在瑞典創辦史更森犬舍(Skansen Kennel),繁殖雪納瑞犬,1964年犬舍遷移至美國加州至今,是全球最有名的巨型雪納瑞繁殖家,從該犬舍作育出的冠軍登錄犬超過1000隻以上,20071月至4月份,全美巨型雪納瑞排名前20名之中,有9隻巨雪出自該犬舍,15隻以上流有Skansen的血統,我們家族的JUMBOBOSS就是出自Skansen犬舍。






我繁殖的理論基礎是根據波汀 葛斯 博士(Dr. Pottengers)1930年在賓州所做的研究,該研究以900隻貓為對象,他發現其中1/2的貓餵食生肉、魚肝油及生牛奶,他們不但長的強壯又健康,又有活力,第二代、第三代所出生的小貓也是又大又健康。在該組貓咪死亡之後做剖檢,可見他們的骨骼及牙齒是健康又強壯的。










<以下為原文, 若有翻譯不當處, 請指教.>


Author : Sylvia Hammarstrom


Interestingly I believe it is my interest and practice of breeding healthy dogs. It’s my deep, passionate desire to breed a schnauzer that never has to go to a veterinarian. I truly believe in this concept and feel that if you feed and exercise your schnauzer correctly, short of accidents and the rabies vaccination required by law, your schnauzer should never have to visit a veterinarian.

I’ve based all my breeding practices on Dr. Pottengers research with 900 cats, which took place in Pennsylvania in the 1930’ s. Look up his website for more info and books by Dr. Pottenger ( He found that when he fed raw meat, fish liver oil and raw milk to his cats, they not only grow strong, healthy and active but also reproduced big, healthy litters of kittens for generation after generation. When he did autopsies on these cats after they died they had healthy strong bones, healthy teeth, etc.

The other ½ of his cats who were also fed raw milk and cod liver oil and meat, except he cooked their meat (all commercial dog food, bagged or canned has been cooked). He found that the cats were sickly, took double time to recuperate from surgery, their skeletons were severely deteriorated with gum infections when he did autopsies. But most interesting he found that after three generations, these cats were completely sterile, no more kittens!

I have proven him right, we feed raw meaty bones to our dogs and each generation gets more and more fertile with the result that we now have more pups than planned for.

When you talk to breeders of all different breed, including schnauzers, you will hear about all their genetic defects! My own personal opinion and experience (I bred my first schnauzer champion 58 years ago) is that most so called genetic problems are induced by poor breeding practices, poor diet and over-vaccinating!

A pup out of parents who eat raw meaty bones, weaned on raw meat, raised on raw meaty bones (like chicken, turkey, lamb, etc., all available at Coscto and all other grocery stores), will be very healthy. Then, of course he has to get plenty of exercise and fresh air and get his puppy vaccinations and no more (just like you- vaccinated as a child but no boosters yearly for polio, measles, small pox, etc).

We have no arthritis, no bad skin, no gum infections, no autoimmune breakdowns, no seizures, no diabetes, no cataracts and no thyroid deficiencies in our dog population. If you follow our program you will have a healthy, happy dog.


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